miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

The 5G network revolution: the unicorn of "Telcos"

The great unicorn telecommunications, 5G, has had a major role during the Mobile World Congress, held in Barcelona, ​​at the height of the virtual reality that monopolized the attention of attendees and media. Unicorn, because almost looks like a mythological being, as it is a technology that, for now, it is unknown how it will work really, when it will be possible for citizens, though there are already projects in ciernes- and what standards will the industry in the 2020, date shuffle by industry to arrival. Yes, the experts agree on one thing: it will change everything, will be a before and after in our lives.

Mark Zuckerberg himself, master of Facebook, criticized the presence of 5G, during his speech on Monday, downplaying their development. "The 5G is good but you have to carry all first internet" anticipated to say, but the background of his words trying to reinforce its vision of the future. As we know, within the priorities of Facebook is that of bringing connectivity to places where it does not exist now. At two thirds of the planet, but it also generates a business around. Despite the apparent philanthropic cause of the matter, the idea of ​​bringing the Internet to rural areas would multiply its potential revenue. Because when "Zuck" says internet is, however, it refers to Facebook.

More than technology
For the uninitiated in what refers to 5G, this technology offers a new way to connect. Contrary to what many might even think it is not just a network technology, ie a new frequency, but it is much more than that. 5G is an ecosystem composed of three parts, network, cloud and infrastructure. Its top priority is to expand speeds and, in turn, act pillar for the new era called "Internet of things".

"Now an operator gives you the same service to a person making a call by sending a WhatsApp. That makes no sense because it does not require the same type of connection "
Andrew Coward, Brocade
As underlined Andrew Coward, the specialist firm Brocade actually the key and the novelty of the 5G is managing connections. "Now, an operator gives you the same service to a person making a video call by sending a message WhatsApp. That makes no sense, because it does not require the same type of connection. " This is where comes into play one of the most important parts of 5G, called "slicing". Well, what does this mean? It refers to divide the connection parts giving the customer what they need at that time, optimizing the network.

According to NTT DoCoMo, signing world's leading telecommunications, the current infrastructure is unable to absorb the amount of requests that require Internet in the future, according to the specialist firm Intel, there will be 50,000 billion connected devices by 2020. "Modular the connection could lead even a month; and 5G happen instantly, "company sources say ABC.

Among the main benefits of 5G network, will be, according to the firms involved in its development and deployment, the usual increase in speed that users have been experiencing in recent years up to the current 4G. But where innovation really will be, on the one hand, allow many simultaneous connections, opening the doors to the "Internet of things" and therefore an intelligent home in which objects 'talk' to each other.

"99% of the industrial equipment is not connected; when it is we will be participants in a new level of efficiency and economic change '
Guo Ping, Huawei
Guo Ping, Huawei rotating CEO, is clear: "The 99% of the industrial equipment is not connected; when it is we will be participants in a new level of efficiency and significant economic change ". In his view, "before the 5G touch down, we need to start working. We need to increase connectivity and create new business models to support the integration of vertical industries and allow the digitization of traditional industries, thereby driving the digital revolution. "

The Chinese firm, in fact, is one that is putting more efforts in this type of connectivity, with projects still experimental and seeking alliances with telecom operators. Not only in his country but internationally. In 2025 there will be 100,000 million connections worldwide. Of these, those occurring among 7,000 million people who inhabit the Earth only represent 10% of the total. Thus, most take place between people and things and between objects.

Ricardo Blasco, a researcher at Ericsson, in the area of ​​autonomous driving great opportunities evidence. "Imagine something as simple as an intersection without visibility, in which two cars connected approach can be prepared much earlier to stop optimizing their energy consumption and security. Case in the professional environment, with heavy goods vehicles, where much of the gasoline consumption is used to overcome wind resistance, if the trucks were one after another, would be only the first which consume more gasoline " says this newspaper.

Control a robotic arm distance
The other benefit that we will be (predict experts) will decrease drastically latency connection. Latency is the response time of the network since the information is sent to the network, until it returns. Today, the best 4G connection in an optimal situation, can have a latency of 10 milliseconds. 5G will bring a latency of 1 millisecond. Thus, it will allow certain things as autonomous driving, remote surgical operations or could experience in Ericsson, control a robotic arm to 5,000 kilometers without any delay, making it ideal for hazardous locations for workers, such as mines or oil platforms.

In addition to the emerging technology of virtual reality, this Mobile World Congress in Barcelona has seen many approaches and agreements among companies that are making it possible 5G. Because, as Aicha Evans, corporate vice president and general manager of communications and devices group Intel said, "the solution of 5G going to give the ecosystem, not just a company, with global agreements such as have never been seen before." Proof of this are the agreements between Telefonica and Ericsson for example to enhance this technology, and, in turn, Ericsson Qualcomm. In addition to launching the prototypes in testing we could see Nokia on video "streaming" or Intel processors for 5G.

intermediate technology
While we wait for the 5G is made possible in 2020 we have the 4.5G proposed by Huawei and will start marketing this year. An intermediate technology with the aim of improving current connections, using three techniques, multiplying emissions data, adding the frequencies of carriers and modulating the signal. An evolution of 4G to prolong the life of existing infrastructure, reaching the expected speed of 1 gigabyte per second, to enable services, such as video 4K mobility, or coming, as Ryan Ding, president of Products and Solutions Huawei , "almost match the audio quality of a mobile call to a fixed line phone."

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